We’ve Been Building For Over 40 Years
Sierra Machinery also uses the latest technology and innovations when it comes to the production of the Sierra USA®. Only the highest quality parts and equipment are used along with our proprietary machine control logic that gives the Sierra USA® Skiving Roller Burnishing Machine the cutting edge to make it the World’s Fastest Skiving Roller Burnishing Machine. We are also fully CE certified.
Ask our customers about the Sierra USA®– our customer base consists of most of the largest manufacturers of farming, mining and industrial equipment produced in the world. Our machines are located in North and South America, India, Japan, China, Korea, Australia, and Europe! There are several Sierra USA® machines on every continent with many of our customer using multiples.
Sierra Machinery places a high value on safety. Our machine protects the Operator and others during the operation of the machine using light curtain technology. Our safety features keep the operator safe during the whole of the cycle.